12-22-09 Meeting Notes
Tuesday night's LUGY meeting (12/22) at the Prescott Public Library was a resounding success!
The meeting was attended by two members (John Carter and Shane Lofgren) and one guest (Richard Slatin).
Richard brought in a laptop that was in need of a makeover to give more disk space for the Ubuntu installation (dual boot with Windows XP). It seems that 2.5GB wasn't enough. John made a feeble attempt to resize the Windows partition. Shane provided his expertise and tools (GPartd) to finish the job. Richard went home feeling quite elated over the results.
This is a prime example of the need of having these meetings. John will continue scheduling and setting up these meetings even if only one person is served, enlightened, or otherwise gratified. However, the depth, breadth, and quality of the content of these meetings is dependent on the participation of experienced Linux users like yourself. Please join us if you can in reaching out to the public at our LUGY meetings at the library.
John Carter